USACE Certificate of Laboratory Validation for the following:
Soils - D 854 - Req - Specific Gravity of Soils
Soils - D 1140 - Req - Material Finer than 75 m (No. 200) Sieve
Soils - D 2166 - Req - Unconfined Compressive Strength
Soils - D 2216 - Req - Water Content
Soils - D 2435 - Req - One-Dimensional Consolidation Properties
Soils - D 2487 - Req - Classification of Soils
Soils - D 2850 - Req - Unconsolidated, Undrained Strength in Triaxial Compression
Soils - D 3080 - Req - Direct Shear Test in Consolidated Drained Conditions
Soils - D 4318 - Req - Liquid & Plastic Limits & Plasticity Index
Soils - D 4546 - Req - One-Dimensional Swell or Settlement Potential
Soils - D 4647 - Opt - Identification and Classification of Dispersive Clay Soils by the Pinhole Test
Soils - D 4767 - Req - Consolidated-Undrained Triaxial Compression
Soils - D 6913 - Req - Particle-Size Distribution of Soils Using Sieve Analysis
Soils - D 7928 - Opt - Fine Grain Distribution with Hydrometer